Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Day 3, week 6 - and I'm changing it up!

I decided to do Core Synergistics today - I also LOVE this one!!! I'm meeting my running group later this morning, and I'll (hopefully) come come and do ARX, but I skipped the Back & Biceps. I guess this is more the "lean" program?

Anyway, I now have the goal of actually being able to do those Dreya rolls without having to put my hands down when I try to stand back up. My favorite move in this workout is the bow-to-boat.

I"m going to try again to write back to people who've stopped in to see us - yesterday for some reason I couldn't post comments. Thanks guys, and have a wonderful healthy day!!! :)


  1. Go get those D-rolls! Even if you can only do a couple without your hands, that's awesome!

    OH yeah, and bow to boat-holy moly, that works your abs and core and back, all at the same time-gorgeous move!

    Hope you have a healthy day too! :)

  2. Core is a monster... good job on the Dreya rolls! They are TOUGH! I'm not sure what workout I'm gonna do today but I better figure it out!

    Take care Barb & Rob!

  3. Tell Rob to wear his cup for 'bow'! OUCH! :O)

    Camping soon! Can't wait to see you guys!!

  4. Wow! I thought I was bad about posting!! :O)
